
Running Shoes and YOUR Feet

Hello my beautiful Real Healthers… it’s been awhile since we last talked and I’m a bit excited about what I’m going to say today.  I recently purchased a new pair of shoes and was pleasantly surprised at how much I didn’t realize all the new technology available ensuring you have the right fit.

First and foremost – it’s important to decide what you’re going to be doing in these new shoes.  Are you planning on running, lifting, cross-training, cycling… other?  I’m going to talk about buying running shoes – as that was my latest shoe buying adventure.

3 Things to Consider:download

  1. Pronation Control or Not
  2. Shoe Weight & Comfort
  3. Color


Each year your foot changes… the muscles in your foot become stronger or weaker which changes the arch. Back in the day, if you needed any kind of arch support you’d have to have customized orthotics made just for you.  Today, support is built in to your shoe – which creates a far more comfortable shoe in my opinion.

Pronation Control or Not: Head to a fabulously established shoe store, such as Run Colorado, and have your gait tested.  You’ll want to be sure they put you in to a neutral shoe before they start – ground zero.  After watching the created video, your fabulous shoe tech will select a few options for you to try on.

Shoe Weight & Comfort: Try each shoe on, walk around, get back on the treadmill and recheck the pronation control.  Get a good feel.  Sometimes the pronation control will be uncomfortable – move on.  A heavier soled shoe is great for concrete and trail (outdoor) running.  A lighter shoe is great for indoor running.  One shoe I tried on felt comfortable but my foot was very hot instantly – moved on.

Color: Now this is important… style is everything!  OK – maybe not but having a bright shoe makes you far more visible on the road.  Just something to think about. 🙂

And last be not least: the new shoes that are gracing my feet. 

The Moral of the Story:

Go to the expert for what you don’t know!  You’ll be glad you did. 

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