Everything I need to know about money, I learned in network marketing

I don’t normally write about money do’s and don’ts because, quite frankly, I’ve probably done more of the don’ts.  Maybe that really makes me the expert? bahahahahahaha

In all seriousness in the past 6 years {YIKES – this is actually my anniversary month!}, I left the swanky paying world of engineering behind… filed for bankruptcy… dealt with major depression (while not necessarily money related – I don’t think it helped)… faced foreclosure.

I’m only 34 years old and the lesson’s I’ve come through are by far the biggest teachers making an impact on my life right now.  I didn’t expect to leave engineering for the network marketing profession but I did.  And now I’ve found something that I believe everyone should know about but isn’t learning in our traditional school system – money intelligence!

Everything I needed to know about money, I learned in network marketing.Budgeting

  • I learned how to [finally] ask for help.
  • I learned it was ok to make mistakes.
  • I learned about the value of hiring expert coaches.
  • I learned how to actively budget the awesome green flowing in to my bank account.
  • I learned that budgeting isn’t just about the numbers.
  • I learned that I can be the heroine of my own money story.
  • I learned the words I use when speaking to myself and to others will inevitably lead to how I feel about my money story.
  • I learned the difference between working for someone else’s dream and working for my own dreams.

The truth is that I loved being a female engineer… I was a rare breed after-all.  Yet, that all changed the moment I was told I couldn’t take advantage of something I had earned.  Funny enough, that one comment made in jest… changed my life.

I’ve read, researched and graduated from a plethora of money philosophies.  Yet, regardless if you’re a saver or a spender, money is something beautiful that we use in exchange for the things we value most.

Today, the things I value aren’t so much “things” at all.  Today, it’s a way of life.  The desire to live life AND be debt free.  The desire to live the most vibrant, healthiest life possible.  And the desire to give more in the way of love, encouragement and, one day, so much more monetarily.

Recently, I made a new breakthrough.  I said no to something I would absolutely love to do in exchange for something bigger.  Freedom.  But even better… my brain and my vocabulary made the breakthrough.

  • Sales guy: “I know it might be a struggle financially.”
  • Me cutting him off just a little:  “No.  It’s not about a financial struggle.  I’m making a conscious decision to support my top 3 goals this year.  I’m looking forward to doing this, just not right now.”

My biggest lesson?  I can play the victim:  “yep, you’re right sir.  I can’t afford this right now because I’m broke and struggling.”  Ouch!  How did that make you feel when you read that… let alone if you said it?

Whether that scenario is true or not,  vocabulary plays a role in how we feel, how we react and in the next decision we make.

Saying Yes!So… the coolest thing??  I get play the heroine [just like I did this time].  Personally… I like how I feel as a heroine.  🙂

Let me ask you… How do you want to feel?  What role do you want to play?

We all have the same right to live a full, fat, abundant life.

I am a professional network marketer, a coach, a mentor and a friend.  I am passionate about helping you absolutely love life and live it… that full, fat, abundant life.  I am ready to help you achieve it all… are you?

Your story is waiting for it’s heroine… or hero.

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